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Covid has taught us that many people can work effectively without going into the office. For some employees, contractors and free-lance workers it no longer matters how far away from their customers that they live. Most people are tempted to relocate to places which are lower cost and more exotic with a great climate, scenary and water sports opportunities. The Regional Government of the Autonomous Regional of Madeira supports a number of initiatives to increase the number of Digital Nomads on the Island and ensure that the facilities they need are available.
Digital Nomads in Madeira typically live and work here for several months before moving on to explore another destination and interact with a different group of people whilst retaining contact with many of their new friends, colleagues and collaborators. Madeira offers a full range of working environment options from the peace and quiet of an apartment with free workspace in nearby hubs to short-term use of shared office buildings with meeting rooms etc. Assistance is also available finding suitable accommodation.
Our apartments have fibre broadband, WiFi, CAT 5 connection, a desk and optionally a printer. Please contact us for our long stay rates.
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